Performance and Relationship of Various Local Garlic Genotypes and Putative Mutants Resulting from MV4 Irradiation Using Morphological Marker

  • Yusup Bahrul Ulum Department Agronomy and Horticulture, IPB University, Indonesia
  • Diny Dinarti Department Agronomy and Horticulture, IPB University, Indonesia
  • Sudarsono Department Agronomy and Horticulture, IPB University, Indonesia
Keywords: anthocyanins, irradiation, gamma rays, mutation induction, putative mutants


Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is used as a medicinal plant or seasoning, but its national production can only meet people's needs by 6.4%, and 95% is imported from China. The development rate of new garlic varieties is relatively slow because garlic is generally propagated vegetatively through cloves; therefore, its diversity has become relatively narrow. Character and diversity can be improved by inducing mutations using gamma-ray irradiation. Experiments on garlic subjected to gamma-ray irradiation have shown physiological changes in the putative 3rd (MV3) mutant offspring. The experiment's 4th mutant progeny (MV4) was re-planted and compared with other local genotypes. The aim was to perform clustering based on the yielding characteristics and the intensity of the anthocyanin content. The experiment used a single-plant design with 21 experimental units, namely 16 MV4 genotypes and 5 control genotypes. The analysis of variance showed that the MV4 Lumbu Kuning 1 Gy and Ciwidey 2 Gy genotypes had better tuber weight and diameter than the other genotypes, including the control genotypes. Cluster analysis clustered garlic genotypes into five groups at a cophenetic distance 0.4. Principal component analysis (PCA) also divided the garlic genotypes into four quadrants. Genotypes in quadrant 2 had anthocyanin content intensities superior to those of other genotypes.


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How to Cite
Ulum, Y. B., Dinarti, D., & Sudarsono. (2023). Performance and Relationship of Various Local Garlic Genotypes and Putative Mutants Resulting from MV4 Irradiation Using Morphological Marker. Indonesian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR), 4(2), 183-192.