Characteristics of Beef Cattle Farmers at Southern West Java

  • Dede Kardaya Djuanda University
  • Ristika Handarini Djuanda University
  • Wini Nahraeni Djuanda University
  • Elis Dihansih Djuanda University
  • Deden Sudrajat Djuanda University
Keywords: beef cattle farmers, characteristics, Southern West Java


The study aimed to identify characteristics of beef cattle farmers along the street corridor of Southern West Java. The study used a survey method in which purposive sampling technique was applied to collect data from 13 sub-districts of five districts along the street corridor of Southern West Java. Result of the study showed that eight categories of cattle farmers with their respective characteristics, namely: 1) the age of farmers, in the productive category (91%); 2) the level of education, mostly at the level of elementary school education (62%); 3) farming experience, most experience for 11-20 years (30%); 4) the nature of livestock business, is a side business (70.8%); 5) number of family dependents, with the highest number of three family dependents (32%); 6) livestock ownership, is their-self owned (67%); 7) cattle origin, with own purchases namely 46%, and 8) business scale, with many livestock owned by 1-3 beef or 50%.

How to Cite
Kardaya, D., Handarini, R., Nahraeni, W., Dihansih, E., & Sudrajat, D. (2020). Characteristics of Beef Cattle Farmers at Southern West Java. Indonesian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR), 1(1), 17-24.